I provide some of my most popular workshops on demand for individuals and groups who are interested in growing their writing careers. Below, we listed a fraction of my available offerings. Please feel free to reach out and we can design what will best support you.

BONUS: Each month, I offer a limited number of complementary 15-minute Zoom consults. Let’s chat and see what you need and go from there!

Schedule consults, workshops & critiques on our Shopify site

One-on-One Consults

I’m happy to meet writers where they are and help them set tangible goals to step forward with their dreams and writing journey. This includes supporting the drafting stages, taking manuscripts to the publishing level and supporting the query process for agent and editors. Reach out and let’s chat.

Author 101

I unpack the basics of the writing life that many might be afraid to ask about. There are so many great questions about the publishing path, but they can be daunting to unpack or even know how to ask. Come with your curiosities, ideas and dreams to this workshop to nurture your creative spirit and give you concrete steps to tackle your goals.

How to Hire an Intern

I lay out the ways to work with an intern to achieve goals and take you both where you want to go. I’ll share approachable steps to understand the process and we can examine how mentorship might work for you.

How to Get Published

Getting a book published is daunting and I know that firsthand! Join me as I share all the things I’ve learned on my journey to becoming a published author. I demystify the experience and give authors concrete steps to assist them in their journey to getting published. 

Picture Book 101

Have dreams of writing a picture book? Make that dream a reality with this intensely creative course that will guide you through the process of writing a picture book.

Publicity for Authors and Business Owners

I combined my Public Relations degree, experience running the Texas Center for the Book and propensity towards partnerships to launch my book during the pandemic. I understand the power of a solid press release and media kit. No more mystery and “going at it alone” marketing. Learn how to create DIY publicity toolkits to garner local and personalized media attention and build organic partnerships with bookstores, community groups and libraries. 

Want to write a press release, but don’t know where to start? Please purchase my easy-to-use Press Release kit! You’ll receive templates & step-by-step instructions to easily write your own press releases.

Most Requested: Author 101: Writing & Publishing Virtual Workshop

Do you:

  • Want to write a book?

  • Have a manuscript or solid idea but don’t know where to start?

  • Need an editor and or an agent, but first need to know what they do?

  • Want to be around a group of creatives dreaming big dreams for 2025?

  • Want a one-on-one consult with an author? 

*All attendees will receive a complimentary 15-minute consultation*

If any of this sounds like you, join author Rebekah Manley as she unpacks the basics of the writing life that many might be afraid to ask about. There are so many great questions about the publishing path, but they can be daunting to unpack or even know how to ask. Come with your curiosities, ideas and dreams to this workshop to nurture your creative spirit and give you concrete steps to tackle your 2025 goals.

Please email me with any questions via: